On this website, we have collected a several aspects that will help you involving children in your work related to disaster risk reduction (DRR). We have structured this website into three different parts:

Why include children?
The first tab is called ‘Why include children‘. On this page, we address the question ‘Why should children participate in DRR-related activites’. We also present one of the most famous models for child participation, the Lundy Model.

Guide for including Children
The second tab is called ‘Guide for including children‘. Here, we introduce a step-by-step guide for including children in DRR-related activites. The purpose of the guide is to enable child and youth participation to disaster risk reduction (DRR) as a regular, ongoing and steady process. The guide will assist decision-makers and professionals at the national and local level and thus enable them to effectively engage children and young people in the process of building secure and resilient societies.
In particular, the guide has the following two aims:
- To guide national and local stakeholders on how to involve children and young people in DRR activities.
- To facilitate linking between existing DRR coordination mechanisms at the national and local level and child and youth participation structures.
Participation needs to be regarded as a regular, ongoing process and not as a one-off event, and it should be appropriately supported and evolve throughout different life stages, including through access to information and capacity building opportunities for children and youth.
The stakeholders of the mechanism include anyone who has the responsibility to work on disaster risk reduction, particularly on the role that children and youth are playing or could play in preventing and responding to disasters, and more generally in building resilient societies. These are representatives of institutions or organizations (including IOs, NGOs and CSOs), as well as independent experts, working atnd youth are playing or could play in preventing and responding to disasters, and more generally in building resilient societies. These are representatives of institutions or organizations (including IOs, NGOs and CSOs), as well as independent experts, working at the national, local (provincial/district) and community level.

Children’s experiences of DRR
The third tab is called ‘For children’ and are designed by children, for children. On this tab, children can learn more about diaster risk reduction in a child-friendly way.