Step 3. Target group and expert outreach

The next step is to determine the target group you will work with. Related to this work, you can also start to look for organisations that are working with children. They can be a great asset to you. 

Sub-step 3.1. Choose a target group that will benefit from participating

Guiding questions:

  • Which group of children can benefit most from participation in your work? 
  • Which children (age, location,…) can help you achieve your aim?
  • To the best of your ability, how can you ensure an inclusive group of children (different gender, age, education, disability or culture)?
  • Do the target group want to participate (voluntarily) and think the participation is relevant to them?
  • Have you asked the target group about their expectations and prepared accordingly?

Sub-step 3.2. Look into who is already working with children and find others that can help you

Guiding questions:

  • Who else, including other experts and organisations, is working with these groups of children?
  • Are there existing organizations or individuals with expertise in child participation that you can reach out to?
  • Can my project be connected to their work? If yes: how?
  • What knowledge or resources can they offer to your work?
  • Can they help you get in contact with your target group?
  1. Sweden – Fryshuset “Vi behövs”
    The Swedish organisation Fryshuset started the initiative “Vi Behövs” (“We are needed”) aimed at empowering youth and increase a sense of belonging.
  2. Sweden – Pamoja Girls
    A project focused on making girls believe in themselves and each other.
  3. Poland – Education Halls/Rooms
    A project aimed at learning children about safety awareness.
  1. Mapping of exisiting DRR structures This document helps to aid your understanding of what to look for when investigating already existing organisations.
  2. Engaging Children in Decision Making – A Guide for Consulting Children Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA), p.14-22.
    This resource considers things to consider when consulting with specifiic groups of children and chooosing your target group.