Societal Security Online Course is the outcome of the NEEDS (“Needs-based education and studies in societal security”) project conducted by eight partner organisations from six countries on societal security in the Baltic Sea Region.

In today’s complex global landscape, where societies grapple with an array of challenges from pandemics to climate crises, a unified understanding of societal security is crucial. Addressing this need, the NEEDS project has pioneered a groundbreaking solution: the Societal Security Online Course and an online community dedicated to institutionalising societal security education.

Interested in exciting, international, easily accessible, and free of charge skills development in the field of societal security? Take this online course and get a certificate!

Register to the online course hosted in the e-learning platform Canvas
No time limit
Take the course at your own pace – no time limit!
Ask your teacher to support your additional learning opportunity and skills development
Read, learn, listen and get in contact with other experts, learners or professionals from the field
At the end of the online course: print your certificate and join the online community to stay connected
Join the course
The NEEDS online course and the online community are a unique opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills on societal security issues from the Baltic Sea Region.
What is it about?
Find out more about the structure and the outline of the course.
Why choose the NEEDS course?
Why is the course or community of interest to you? Why would you attend the course or join the community?
How to register?
Join the Societal Security Online Course with a few simple steps.

Online Course Accreditation
By involving alumni, industry experts, and lecturers in the creation of our course materials, you’ll gain knowledge and learn key practical skills that are highly valuable in today’s societal security workplace.
As part of our commitment to excellence in teaching and continuous quality improvement, the course has received accreditation from Riga Technical University, which issues ECTS credit points to students taking the course at their university.
All participants, who complete the course, will receive the final certificate issued by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), the lead partner of the NEEDS project.
The “Needs-based education and studies in societal security” (NEEDS) project addresses the skills gap and mismatch between the societal security education and the concrete knowledge needs in the field. It also seeks to promote transnational cooperation and dialogue between higher education institutes, practitioners and experts dealing with societal security.
By bridging the current knowledge gaps from the onset during their studies and education, the next generation of societal security professionals will be ready to work and have the necessary skills for meeting field-specific demands.

Ready to register?
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