Online Community
In addition to the online course, the NEEDS project has created an online community dedicated to institutionalising societal security education. This community serves as a collaborative hub, encouraging participants to engage in discussions, share insights, and expand their networks.
The project preparation and research indicated that the societal security community in the BSR was lacking a common digital platform for sharing materials, experiences and other matters of common concern between professions, organisations, countries, and sectors. This IO worked towards identifying best possible platforms without duplicating existing structures. The project identified three platforms of relevance and created online communities in order to work around the needs and expectations of the diverse group.
Interested parties can join the platforms (free registration needed) and make use of all the collaboration and network opportunities that come with the shared use of such societal security community.
CMINE (Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe) is the platform for crisis management professionals from the EU and beyond. The hub facilitates collaboration and project sections, an online community platform and aims to foster innovation and research through meetings and workshops and cross-sector, multi-stakeholder exchange.

TUOVI is a website and digital service by the Finnish Ministry of Interior, that provides a platform for information sharing and a collaboration interface for stakeholders in the field of security.

Canvas is the e-learning platform used by numerous HEI. The Swedish Defence University is one of them and they host both the NEEDS Online Course, as well as a section for a NEEDS Online Community. Canvas was used as a foundation for creating the online community and is well established and adaptable to the needs of the community.
(All platforms require registration for data security but use is always free. Once registered, one can easily join the group/workspace/course that is called NEEDS.)

“Online community gives an opportunity to find information on current topics on the field and to network internationally.“
Laurea University of Applied Sciences

“Online communities provide a meeting place for professionals, experts, researchers and students, who are interested in issues regarding societal security in the BSR. Here, concerns, needs, common challenges and best practices can be discussed and shared which all contribute to nurturing a common societal security culture in the BSR based on understanding and trust. In turn, this will enhance a safer and more secure region.“
Swedish Defence University