The Forum will gather participants, such as decision-makers from the national level and EU level, trade union representatives, national focal points, labour inspectorates, law enforcement agencies, migration agencies, lawyers and national coordinators, civil society organisations and academia.
From insightful panels to expert seminars, the Forum promises to cover critical topics integral to the ongoing discourse on human trafficking for forced labour and labour exploitation.
Opening session (Day 1)

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice and the North Sea, Belgium

Director General, Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)

Director General, Swedish Gender Equality Agency
Moderator: Edi Mujaj, Senior Adviser, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings (CBSS, TF-THB)
Opening session (Day 2)

Swedish Minister For Gender Equality And Working Life
Panel #1 (Day 1)
How is labour exploitation conceptualised and addressed in the European states today – which strategies should we re-think and what should we strengthen?
H.E. Ms. Anna Ekstedt, Swedish Ambassador at large for Combatting Trafficking in Persons, Sweden
Anna Ekstedt is Sweden’s Ambassador at Large for Combating Trafficking in Persons since April 2021. She has a legal background (L.L.M) with an extensive experience of working in counter trafficking and with issues of gender equality and human rights in Sweden as well as internationally. She has been heading the activities against trafficking within the CBSS TF-THB (Council of the Baltic Sea States Task Force against Trafficking in human Beings) and has served at the European Commission at the EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator in Brussels.
Dr. Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Dr. Petya Nestorova has been responsible for the Council of Europe’s activities in the area of combating trafficking in human beings since 2010. She oversees all aspects on the monitoring of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, which currently has 48 state parties, including country visits by the Group of Experts on Action against trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), preparation of reports and recommendations, and follow-up to their implementation. Her activities include policy development, advocacy and capacity building, in close collaboration with public officials, civil society and other intergovernmental organisations. Ms Nestorova holds Master’s degrees in international Economic Relations and Comparative European Studies, as well as a D.Phil from the University of Sussex, UK.
Mr. Jan Austad, Specialist Director, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Norway
Specialist Director Jan Austad works in the Police Department of the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security. A main responsibility is coordinating measures against Trafficking in Human Beings. A previous prosecutor in the Norwegian police, he is a member of the Council of the Baltic Sea States Task Force against Trafficking.
Ms. Melita Gruevska, Head of the Anti-Trafficking Programme, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Melita Gruevska is Head of ICMPD’s Anti-Trafficking Programme. With 17 years of professional experience in the anti-trafficking field, as Head of Programme she directs delivery of the anti-trafficking expertise and technical assistance at national and regional levels world-wide. She brings wide-ranging expertise related to all aspects of anti-trafficking responses and policies, as well as an extensive global network. She has longstanding experience in managing single and multi-country projects, including in-depth research of the trafficking phenomenon. Ms. Gruevska-Graham has extensive expert knowledge in the area of anti-trafficking, specifically in capacity building activities, developing national anti-trafficking strategies and action plans, developing and implementing national and transnational referral mechanisms, including standard operating procedures for identification and referral of trafficked persons.
Dr. Hyab Yohannes, Research Associate University of Glasgow and member of the ODIHR International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Board (ISTAC)
Hyab Yohannes is an academic with a PhD in ‘The Realities of Eritrean Refugees in a Carceral Age’ from the University of Glasgow. Currently, he works as a project academic coordinator at the University of Glasgow, where he conducts research, synthesises findings, and provides insights on theoretical, methodological, and policy-oriented questions. He is co-editing a Special Issue on decolonising knowledge production for the Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication and a Handbook of Cultures of Sustainable Peace for Multilingual Matters. Additionally, Hyab has recently signed a book contract with Routledge for his upcoming book titled ‘The Coloniality of the Refugee.’ Hyab is also a member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland.
Edi Mujaj, Senior Adviser, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings (CBSS, TF-THB)
Edi Mujaj is the Senior Adviser for the Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings unit, at the Council of the Baltic Sea States. He has previously authored governmental reports on the extent of prostitution in Sweden and coordinated the work of setting up national and transnational assistance and referral mechanisms in Sweden and the Baltic Sea Region.
Panel #2 (Day 1)
Long-term assistance to victims of forced labour and labour exploitation – going beyond the minimum support.
Mr. Klaus Vanhoutte, National Operational Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Belgium, Department of Justice, Belgium
Klaus Vanhoutte is the National Operational anti-trafficking Coordinator for Belgium. Previously he was the the former Director of Payoke, one of the three recognised shelters for victims of human trafficking in Belgium and also held the position of a Permanent Expert in the Special Parliamentary Commission on Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling in 2022 and 2023.
Ms. Anniina Jokinen, Senior Programme Officer, HEUNI, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control affiliated with the United Nations, Finland
Anniina Jokinen works as a Senior Programme Officer at the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI) in Helsinki, Finland. Ms Jokinen has over 15 years of experience on working on international criminal policy issues with focus on human trafficking and labour exploitation. She is experienced in conducting research and capacity building activities, as well as developing reports, guidelines and training materials for states, policy makers, businesses, municipalities, NGOs and other stakeholders.
Ms Jokinen has previously worked as an Adviser for the Task Force on Trafficking in Human Beings at the Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States in Stockholm as well as eight years as a researcher at HEUNI. She has written several trafficking related reports and articles in English and in Finnish with focus on trafficking for forced labour, business model of labour exploitation, reflection periods, sexual exploitation, and links between forced, abusive and exploitative marriages and human trafficking.
Ms. Franny Parren, Programme Coordinator at FairWork, the Netherlands-member of PICUM (the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants), Netherlands
Franny Parren is a Project Leader at the Dutch NGO FairWork, specializing in the field of labour exploitation. Her expertise is centered around providing support to undocumented workers in the Netherlands, with a particular focus on those working in the private and informal sectors, such as domestic workers and 24-hour care workers. She advocates for the acknowledgment of labour rights for vulnerable migrant workers and victims of exploitation. FairWork is also a member of PICUM, the Platform on International Cooperation of Undocumented Migrants. In her capacity, Franny will represent both FairWork and PICUM on the panel on “Long-term assistance to victims of forced labour and labour exploitation – going beyond the minimum support”.
Ms. Karin Gyllenring, Lawyer and Founder, Asylbyrån, Sweden
Karin Gyllenring, lawyer, founder and CEO of the law firm Asylbyrån.
Tobias Van Treeck, Head of Office, IOM Finland
Tobias van Treeck works for the UN Migration Agency, the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Since 2022, he has served as the Head of Office of the IOM Country Office in Helsinki, Finland, overseeing IOM operations in Finland, Iceland and Sweden. Tobias has worked for over 15 years on various aspects of migration management. His specific experience in the field of Trafficking in Human Beings includes capacity building in Counter Trafficking as well as Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration for victims of trafficking. Tobias holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and he has completed studies in Finland, Canada and the Russian Federation.
Panel #3 (Day 2)
Institutional and legislative challenges in countering human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation.
Ms. Evin Incir, Member of the European Parliament
Evin Incir is a Swedish Social Democrat, with Kurdish roots, who grew up in the suburbs of Bergsjön in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. She is a Member of the European Parliament since 2019 and is serving on the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and Committee on Foreign affairs.
In addition to her committee assignments, Incir is co-chair of the Delegation for relations with Palestine, member of the delegation for relations with Iran and in the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee. Moreover, she is the European Parliament’s Rapporteur in charge of the relations with Palestine and a member of the LGBTIQ intergroup. Evin is the former Secretary General of International Union of Socialist Youth and former Deputy International Secretary of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden. Evin fights to promote democracy, equality and feminism in Europe and beyond.
Dr. Venla Roth, Government Anti-Trafficking Co-ordinator, LL.D., Ministry of Justice, Professor of Practice in Law, University of Turku, Finland
Dr Venla Roth serves as the Government Anti-Trafficking Coordinator of Finland. Her tasks include, among others, leading the drafting process of the anti-trafficking action plans and their implementation, leading anti-trafficking projects and chairing working groups, taking initiatives in the fight against human trafficking and participating in international cooperation. Dr Roth has a long experience in the field of human rights and anti-trafficking both nationally and internationally. She has previously served as a Head of Unit at the Office for the Finnish Non-Discrimination Ombudsman and as an expert in various international research and development projects for example for the European Parliament research services, European Commission and the European Institute for Gender Equality EIGE. Dr Roth has been a member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on action against human trafficking and the NRM Advisory Group established by the OSCE/ODIHR. Dr Roth holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in law. Dr Roth also serves as a Professor of Practice at the University of Turku, Faculty of Law, where she teaches law students about the law and social change.
Mr. Filip De Ketelaere, Prosecutor, Public Service Justice Belgium
Filiep De Ketelare was appointed by Royal Decree in March 2023 as labour prosecutor at the Ghent Labour Prosecutor’s Office. He is also an acting member of the Council of the Labour Prosecutors in Belgium) Prior to this, he was also invited to participate in the strategic seminar for labour prosecutors in May 2022. Since December 2021, he has been a member of the committee for administrative enforcement in West Flanders, Belgium. Further he is a teacher at the Institute for Judicial Training in Belgium since 2014.
Ms. Anneli Tirud Wallin, Senior Public Prosecutor, National Public Prosecution Department, Sweden
Anneli Tirud Wallin has worked as a Swedish public prosecutor for 20 years. She is currently working as a senior public prosecutor at the National Unit Against Organized Crime in Stockholm at the Swedish National Public Prosecution Department where she handles cases with extensive international co-operation concerning trafficking in human beings, sexual exploitation of children on the internet and war crimes. Her background is in international law. She has studied at the University of Stockholm, La Sorbonne in Paris, France and at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. She’s fluent in English and French. Her core issues are combatting crimes against women and children and crimes against humanity.
Dr. Märta Johansson, Associate professor, Law, Örebro University
Märta C. Johansson has done research since 2010 on national court practice and human trafficking, publishing primarily in national law journals, and also writing several reports on related aspects, such as police investigations of human trafficking. She is presently involved in CBSS’ CAPE-project, writing a second report on Sweden’s court practice on inter alia human trafficking for forced labour and other forms of labour exploitation.
Mr. Adrian Strugariu, Police chief commissioner, Head of the Unit for combating THB, Romanian National Police
Chief-commissioner Adrian STRUGARIU has an overall experience of 18 years of working in units for countering organized criminality, and starting 2010 he was a specialist officer in countering of organized crime groups acting in the field of THB. SInce 2016 he was being appointed as head of the Smuggling of Migrants Unit and from September 2022 he was appointed as head of the THB and Smuggling of Migrants Service. He is the Romanian representative in EMPACT meetings linked to the priority Facilitation of Illegal Immigration and to other mechanisms of reaction in THB and FII area of criminality.
Edi Mujaj, Senior Adviser, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings (CBSS, TF-THB)
Edi Mujaj is the Senior Adviser for the Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings unit, at the Council of the Baltic Sea States. He has previously authored governmental reports on the extent of prostitution in Sweden and coordinated the work of setting up national and transnational assistance and referral mechanisms in Sweden and the Baltic Sea Region.
Expert seminar #1 (Day 1)
Gender as a determining factor in misconceptions around labour exploitation and victimisation
Dr. Polina Smiragina-Ingelström, Lecturer and Researcher in Criminology and Sociology, Lund University and DIS Stockholm, Sweden
Polina Smiragina-Ingelström, PhD, is a lecturer and researcher in criminology and sociology, with current affiliations at Lund University and DIS Stockholm. She holds the position of Executive Secretary within the Victimology Working Group of the European Society of Criminology, is an active member of the World Society of Victimology and serves on the advisory board of the Journal of Modern Slavery. Beyond her academic pursuits, Polina’s experience extends to various domains, including Children’s Rights NGOs, and international organizations like IOM, UNODC, and OSCE. Since 2010, she has been dedicated to addressing human trafficking and exploitation-related issues, with a special focus on gender and help-seeking behaviour.
Ms. Anna Nuotio, Project Manager, Ministry of Justice, Finland
Anna Nuotio is an expert on gender-based violence and trafficking in human beings, with a background in NGO victim assistance as well as working with children & youth. She is currently working as a project manager at the Finnish Ministry of Justice leading the drafting of the National Referral Mechanism.
Dr. Anette Brunovskis, PhD Researcher, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway
Dr. Anette Brunovskis is a sociologist and researcher at the Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research and has researched human trafficking and exploitation over the past two decades, in Norway, the Nordic countries, the Balkans and Eastern Europe. She has conducted interviews with victims of human trafficking and anti-trafficking practitioners in several countries during these years and has published numerous practice and academically oriented articles and reports on a variety of topics in the anti-trafficking field.
Ms. Mariaam Bhatti, Community Development and Social Policy Practitioner, Ireland
Mariaam Bhatti is an experienced campaigner, community work and social policy practitioner, a migrant woman, survivor of forced labour and now co-founder of the Great Care Co-op, Ireland’s first worker-owned cooperative in care/caregiving.
For nearly 8 years Mariaam campaigned with Migrant Rights Centre Ireland’s Domestic Workers Action Group which moved from a small support group to a dynamic campaigning group for the rights of domestic workers working in Ireland. She was one of the 23 workers who campaigned successfully for the criminalisation of forced labour in Ireland in 2013. She was also one of the 25 core group of 500 migrant domestic workers, who campaigned to get Ireland to ratify the ILO Convention C189 in 2014 and in the same year the group got the Department of Foreign Affairs to design a policy that protected domestic workers employed in diplomatic households in Ireland.
In 2019, Mariaam was selected as one of the 12 people globally to take part in an intensive three week UN Fellowship for People of African Descent, which was recognised by the UN General Assembly as (and added to the list of) 100 Most Influential people of African Descent under 40 Worldwide. She is a member of the European Commission Expert Group on Migration and a member of the OSCE/ODIHR International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council.
Mariaam holds a BA (Hons) in Community and Youth Work (which was possible through a private educational funding by three Irish women); a Masters in Rights and Social Policy from Maynooth University, Ireland, a postgrad in European Union Policy Making from Vrije Universiteit Brussels and a Professional Diploma in (Further) Education from Marino Institute of Education, Ireland.
Ms. Madeleine Sundell, Salvation Army National Coordinator for Anti-trafficking, Sweden
Madeline Sundell holds a Master in Law from School of Law and Economics at Gothenburg University. She is currently serving as National Coordinator for anti human trafficking at the Salvation Army in Sweden and she is the Co-founder of The Swedish Civil Society Platform against Human Trafficking.
Expert seminar #2 (Day 1)
Demand – How can we conceptualise, identify and address demand in the context of labour exploitation?
Dr. Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Ms Petya Nestorova has been responsible for the Council of Europe’s activities in the area of combating trafficking in human beings since 2010. She oversees all aspects on the monitoring of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, which currently has 48 state parties, including country visits by the Group of Experts on Action against trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), preparation of reports and recommendations, and follow-up to their implementation. Her activities include policy development, advocacy and capacity building, in close collaboration with public officials, civil society and other intergovernmental organisations. Ms Nestorova holds Master’s degrees in international Economic Relations and Comparative European Studies, as well as a D.Phil from the University of Sussex, UK.
Dr. Natalia Ollus, Director, HEUNI, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control affiliated with the United Nations, Finland
Dr Ollus is the Director of the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI), situated in Helsinki, Finland. She holds a Doctor of Laws (LL.D) degree from the University of Turku. Dr Ollus has been engaged in the prevention of human trafficking since 1999, when she worked with NGOs in the Baltic and Nordic countries, assessing their capacity to support victims of trafficking. At the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in South Africa, she was responsible for several regional anti-trafficking projects. Following this, she became an adviser on good governance at the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN in New York and an anti-trafficking adviser at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna. At HEUNI, Dr Ollus creates concrete and policy relevant guidance through empirical research and provides advice to policy makers, legislators and practitioners, in particular in the field of preventing trafficking for the purpose of forced labour and the exploitation of migrant workers. She also collaborates closely with business and public procurement actors to incorporate the prevention of exploitation in local supply chains as a core pillar of sustainability policies and practices.
Mr. Klaus Vanhoutte, National Operational Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Belgium, Department of Justice, Belgium
Klaus Vanhoutte is the National Operational anti-trafficking Coordinator for Belgium. Previously he was the the former Director of Payoke, one of the three recognised shelters for victims of human trafficking in Belgium and also held the position of a Permanent Expert in the Special Parliamentary Commission on Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling in 2022 and 2023.
Ms. Suzanne Hoff, International Co-ordinator, La Strada International
Since 2004, Suzanne Hoff is International Coordinator of La Strada International, the European NGO Platform against trafficking in human beings, comprising 30 anti-trafficking NGOs in 24 European countries (both EU and non-EU). As International Coordinator, Suzanne Hoff manages a broad range of tasks including strategy planning, lobby & advocacy and monitoring European developments and representation of the Platform in different international fora, next to coordination of joint European projects, campaigns and research. She is member of various international platforms, think thanks and NGO advocacy groups.
Ms. Marie Velasquez Fredriksson, Advisor, Swedish Gender Equality Agency, Sweden
Marie Fredriksson is a Sociologist with a broad experience within Sweden’s international development cooperation, at governmental agencies and Civil Society and has extensive experience in Gender Based Violence and Gender Equality issues. She currently works as an Advisor at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency with issues relating to prostitution and human trafficking.
Expert seminar #3 (Day 1)
Integration of migrants as a preventive anti-trafficking measure
Ms. Anna Bruun, Ministerial Advisor Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finland
Ministerial Adviser Anna Bruun has worked on integration and labour migration issues at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment since 2016. Bruun’s tasks concern the development of integration policy and legislation and the implementation of the Government Programme. Bruun has also contributed to the development of legislation and policies concerning the integration of vulnerable groups, including the development of the services for accompanied minors as well as victims of human trafficking.
Dr. Hyab Yohannes, Research Associate University of Glasgow and International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Board (ISTAC)
Hyab Yohannes is an academic with a PhD in ‘The Realities of Eritrean Refugees in a Carceral Age’ from the University of Glasgow. Currently, he works as a project academic coordinator at the University of Glasgow, where he conducts research, synthesises findings, and provides insights on theoretical, methodological, and policy-oriented questions. He is co-editing a Special Issue on decolonising knowledge production for the Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication and a Handbook of Cultures of Sustainable Peace for Multilingual Matters. Additionally, Hyab has recently signed a book contract with Routledge for his upcoming book titled ‘The Coloniality of the Refugee.’ Hyab is also a member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland.
Mr. Pawel Szalus, Programme Manager, International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
Pawel Szalus is a Program Manager at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – the UN Migration Agency. Pawel has been with IOM since 2004 managing different migration programmes. Since 2016 Pawel is a part of IOM’s global labour migration team providing technical and operational support to stakeholders to facilitate safe and orderly labour migration. He is responsible for overseeing IOM’s IRIS Initiative – global multi-stakeholder initiative to promote ethical recruitment in labour migration pathways. As a global multi-stakeholder programme IRIS works with governments, civil society and the private sector around the world. The engagement focuses on awareness-raising, advocacy and capacity building, migrant empowerment, recruitment regulation, due diligence and compliance, partnerships and certification.
Ms. Panadda Changmanee, Project Leader at ThaiWISE, Sweden
Panadda (Yui) Changmanee is a professional in the humanitarian and international development sectors, specializing in combating human trafficking, labor migration, and child protection issues in Southeast Asia. With a wealth of field experience, Yui has played pivotal roles in senior project design and management for major anti-trafficking initiatives, collaborating with government agencies, UN bodies, and non-governmental organizations. Currently leading the Thai Women in Sweden Empowerment (ThaiWISE) project, Yui aims to address social vulnerability and labor exploitation among Thai women, particularly those in the Thai massage industry, by empowering and enabling them to make positive changes.
Mattias Göthberg, Inquiry Secretary, Delegation against work-related crime, Sweden
Mattias Göthberg, Jurist and Inquiry secretary, Delegation against work-related crime. The Delegation has, by the government, been tasked with taking a society-wide approach in bringing together and supporting actors nationwide that are combatting work-related crime and encouraging them to work together and share their experiences.
Expert seminar #4 (Day 1)
Effective partnerships in combatting labour exploitation – partnership inclusion beyond the ‘usual suspects’.
Ms. Lovisa Landälv, Coordinator, Salvation Army Sweden Safe Havens Trafficking Center, Sweden
Lovisa Landälv is a coordinator for Salvation Army’s Trafficking center Safe Havens in Stockholm of two years. Safe Havens work with clients as well with strategic change to guarantee that victims of human trafficking get information and access to their rights. Lovisa has a bachelor’s in international law and several years of experience in work against THB.
Ms. Maaret Pulliainen, Specialist of SAK employee rights hotline, The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions, Finland
Maaret Pulliainen is a legal advisor at the Central Organization of Finnish Trade Unions SAK´s Employee Rights Advisory Service, specializing in employment law and immigration law. In her advisory work, cases of labour exploitation also frequently come to light. The Employee Rights Advisory Service, a low-threshold service jointly established by the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade unios SAK and eight of its affiliates, providing expert guidance on employment law matters to individuals, regardless of their union membership. The service aims to prevent labor exploitation and enhance awareness of this issue within the trade union sector.
At present, she is in a job rotation with the Service Union United PAM, serving as an assistant employment lawyer.
Mr. Christopher Atapattu Riddselius, Acting Director, Ethical Trading Initiative Sweden
Christopher Atapattu Riddselius, acting Director at ETI Sweden. Christopher has been working for more than 15 years with human rights due diligence in global supply chains.
He has particular experience from working with garment and agriculture sectors as well as several certification schemes. Christopher currently works as Acting Director at the Swedish multi-stakeholder organization Ethical Trading Initiative Sweden (ETI Sweden). ETI Sweden brings together Swedish companies, trade unions, civil society and public sector to strengthen workers’ rights and human rights in global supply chains.
Ms. Monica Forsman, Special Advisor on gender issues, County Administrative board of Västerbotten, Sweden
Monica Forsman, Special Advisor on gender issues, County Administrative board of Västerbotten. She is a special advisor on gender issues and has over ten years supported and supervised management teams in companies, government agencies and municipalities regarding gender mainstreaming and leadership.
Ms. Madlén Gunnarsson and Mr. Oscar Rolfsman, Negotiating Union Representatives, Fastighetsanställdas Förbund, Sweden
Madlén Gunnarsson is an ombudsman at the Swedish Real Estate Employees’ Association, where her main taks is to represent members in cases concerning breach of employment law and during labour law negotiations. She is currently leading a project through which third country nationals working for unscrupulous employers and under exploitative circumstances are assisted.
Ms. Pia Bergman, Independent Expert, Sweden
Pia Bergman has worked at the Swedish Tax Agency for over 35 years, where she has led the work against organized crime for over 10 years. She has also worked for many years with issues connected to labour market crimes and labour exploitation. Among other things, she has won awards such as this year’s Oxenstierna – a prize that goes to a civil servant who has contributed to maintaining integrity and impartiality – in 2019 and won the award for her work in money laundering – AML award -2023.
Expert seminar #5 (Day 2)
Mandates, roles and responsibilities – successful practices of labour inspectorates in Europe.
Ms. Katja-Pia Jenu, Senior inspector, Labour Inspectorate for Southern Finland
Katja-Pia Jenu works as a senior inspector at the Labour Inspectorate for Southern Finland. She has been working with issues concerning migrant workers and labour exploitation for nearly 20 years and she has wide experience in multi-agency co-operation. Katja-Pia Jenu has been an expert member both in international projects as well as Finnish working groups aiming to find new, more effective ways of tackling labour exploitation and THB.
Mr. Robertas Lukaševičius, Head of Inspections Sector European Labour Authority (ELA)
Robertas Lukasevicius, currently the Head of Inspections sector at Enforcement and Analysis unit, joined ELA in early 2020, months after its establishment. Before ELA Robertas dealt with EU labour mobility issues, more specifically, the freedom of movement of workers, at the European Commission (DG EMPL). He started his professional career as a lawyer labour inspector in Lithuanian State Labour Inspectorate.
Ms. Saga Kjartansdóttir, Workplace Inspection Coordinator, Icelandic Confederation of Labour, Iceland
Saga Kjartansdóttir is a co-ordinator for labour inspection at the Icelandic Confederation of Labour, an umbrella association of 44 trade unions that together make up around 2/3 or organised labour in Iceland. With a BA in Comparative Literature and MA in Conference Interpreting, Saga has worked in and around immigration issues for the past 11 years, interpreting in asylum seekers‘ interviews and teaching Icelandic to immigrants, before joining the trade union movement.
Ms. Annick de Thaye, National Social Security Office, Belgium
Annick de Thaye started her career as a labour inspector in 1995 and has since 2000 been working exclusively in labour exploitation cases and investigations concerning illegal employment in Belgium. She is currently in charge of a provincial Anti-Trafficking Unit and provide support to the Human Trafficking Directorate at the National Social Security Office.
Ms. Matilde Skov Danstrøm, Special consultant, The Danish Centre against Human Trafficking, Denmark
Matilde Skov Danstrøm is an Anthropologist currently working as a Special consultant at the Danish Centre against Human Trafficking. The Danish Centre against Human Trafficking is part of The Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing. The Centre’s multidisciplinary team coordinates and ensures development of the nationwide efforts to combat human trafficking. The Centre identifies persons who are trafficked and offers assistance, support, and counselling. The Centre also provides education and training to relevant actors in the field. The Centre is also appointed the role of national rapporteur-like-mechanism.
Expert seminar #6 (Day 2)
Assistance and access to rights and remedies – ensuring rights independently from the existence of a criminal investigation.
Ms. Terhi Tafari, Project manager and Team leader, National Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking / Finnish Immigration Service, Finland
Terhi Tafari (LLM, BsocSc) works as a team leader in the Finnish National Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking, dealing with both victim assistance as well as the Assistance System’s work as a national expert authority. In her 10 + years in the Assistance System, Terhi has accumulated wide experience in victim assistance. She has conducted numerous trainings for both authorities and civil society, and has acted as a visiting lecturer in, for example, Laurea University of Applied Sciences and the Border and Coast Guard Academy. Currently Terhi also works as a project manager in an EU-funded project concentrating on digital development in the field of anti-trafficking.
Ms. Silvia Ingolfsdottir Åkermark, Attorney/Victim's Counsel, Sweden
Mrs. Silvia Ingolfsdottir Aakermark, Attorney/Victim´s Counsel. L.LM Masters of Laws from Uppsala University. Background as a Senior Prosecutor working with Human Trafficking cases at the International Prosecution Office in Stockholm. Now representing victims of Human Trafficking as a Victim´s Counsel. CO-founder and Partner at Brottsbyran in Stockholm. Board Member of the Swedish Bar Association and Ecpat Sweden. Previously a Board Member of The Swedish Civil Society Platform against Human Trafficking.
Ms. Debi Lloyd, European Programme Manager, Justice and Care, United Kingdom
Debi joined Justice and Care from Kent Police following a 28 year career as a police officer and as a Detective. Debi’s brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience in not only the criminal justice process but also working with vulnerable people. Debi holds an extensive record of roles ranging from supporting victims of sexual violence to managing offenders and investigating complex crimes.
In her current role as the European Operations Coordinator for Justice and Care, Debi oversees a team of specialist victim support roles embedded within the Law Enforcement agencies in the UK and support services in Romania. In addition, Debi oversees concepts developing into new projects for the growth of the organisation and oversees the award winning Victim Navigator Program which is developing specialist operational resources, resulting in the disruption and dismantling of criminals networks through strong partnerships with Governments and rebuilding the lives of those impacted by the crimes of human trafficking and slavery resulting in more victims being identified and supported as well as criminals brought to justice.
Ms. Elisabet Lundqvist, Regional Coordinator against Prostitution and Trafficking in Human Beings, Sweden
She is a regional coordinator against prostitution and human trafficking. The regional coordinators are employed by the social services and a part of the national coordination against prostitution and trafficking in human beings. We offer practical consultation and guidance both to individuals who seek help and to professionals.
Mr. Frederik Dejonghe, Legal and Policy officer, Payoke Belgium
Frederik Dejonghe is a Legal Counselor and Policy Officer at Payoke, which is one of three government recognised and specialised centers in Belgium for victims of human trafficking.
Ms. Frida Nohlås, Head of the Anti-trafficking unit at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, Sweden
Mrs Nohlås is the director of the National coordination against prostitution and trafficking in human beings at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency. Mrs Nohlås started her career as a law clerk at the District Court in Gothenburg. From 2009 – 2018 she worked as a Public Prosecutor in Gothenburg specializing in men´s violence against woman including sexual violence and honor-related violence and oppression. Mrs Nohlås holds a LL.B and LL.M from Uppsala University including studies in international criminal law at Victoria University, New Zealand.
Expert seminar #7 (Day 2)
Investigating, prosecuting and convicting labour exploitation – A key challenge facing Europe.
Mr. Matthieu Simon, Deputy Attorney General – Prosecutor, National coordinator for human trafficking, Belgium
Matthieu SIMON was a lawyer in a firm specializing in labor law. He has been a prosecutor since 2015, specializing in labor law and criminal law (particularly human trafficking). He is Belgium’s national coordinator for human trafficking. He teaches labor law at the University of Liège. He regularly publishes scholarly articles.
Dr. Julianna Huszar, Coordinator of the Trafficking in Human Beings Specialised Prosecutors, Hungary
From January 2017, she had been working at the Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor’s of Csongrád-Csanád County, and from this date she deals with serious and organized crimes: supervising investigations in THB, money-laundering, drug-trafficking cases. From June 2017, as a prosecutor of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary she takes part in the formation of the policy in THB-crime cases in theoretical and also from practical point of view. She took part in drafting two guidelines which changed the improper practice and approach of the THB cases in Hungary. During the last years, she gave several lectures on the above topic for investigators, prosecutors, and judges. She keeps in touch with the representatives of the Ministry of Interior who are in charge for the drafting of the Hungarian National Strategy on THB, and the representative of the National Police Headquarters, who is in charge of the methodological guideline of the Police in THB cases. Since 1 January 2023, she has been the coordinator of the THB specialized prosecutors in Hungary.
Ms. Eva Pérez Martínez, Senior Public Prosecutor – Human Trafficking Unit, Spain
Eva currently serves as a senior prosecutor at the Human Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants Unit of the Spanish General Prosecutor Office and is also an advisor for the Spanish Ministry of Justice.
She has extensive experience in investigations related to crimes of human trafficking, smuggling of migrants, gender-based violence, crimes against the rights of foreign citizens, and has broad experience in international cooperation.
Mr. Jan Austad, Specialist Director, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Norway
Specialist Director Jan Austad works in the Police Department of the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security. A main responsibility is coordinating measures against Trafficking in Human Beings. A previous prosecutor in the Norwegian police, he is a member of the Council of the Baltic Sea States Task Force against Trafficking.
Ms. Janna Davidson, National Rapporteur, Swedish Police Authority, Sweden
Janna Davidson is national rapporteur on THB, working for the police, also as an operations developer on THB. Prior to this she was stationed as a liaison officer in Rabat, and to that she was an investigator of THB crimes here in Stockholm. Her background lies in GBV. I worked as an investigator of gender based violence for 10 years in Malmö including periods of international work as a peace support officer training police in investigating sexual violence in RDC and short term expert in GBV in Serbia.
Expert seminar #8 (Day 2)
Supply chains and public procurement as means to prevent labour exploitation.
Ms. Anousheh Karvar, Government Representative to the ILO and to the G7-G20 Labour & Employment, France
Anousheh KARVAR is currently the French Government representative to the International Labour Organisation and to the G7-G20 for Labour, Employment and Social Protection policies. She was the chair, from June 2019 to June 2023, of the Global Partnership against Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery (Alliance 8.7). At the national level, she is the Senior Official In charge of the national Strategy against Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery / France Pathfinder Country of the Alliance 8.7. She was formerly Deputy Director of the Minister of Labour’s cabinet (2016-2017), and Counsellor to the President of the French Parliament, in charge of social policies (2017-2018). She holds a PhD in History & Sociology of Science from the University of Paris – Denis Diderot & Ecole polytechnique. She was appointed by the President of the French Republic, Knight of the Légion d’Honneur in July 2021.
Dr. Natalia Ollus, Director, HEUNI, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control affiliated with the United Nations, Finland
Dr Ollus is the Director of the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI), situated in Helsinki, Finland. She holds a Doctor of Laws (LL.D) degree from the University of Turku. Dr Ollus has been engaged in the prevention of human trafficking since 1999, when she worked with NGOs in the Baltic and Nordic countries, assessing their capacity to support victims of trafficking. At the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in South Africa, she was responsible for several regional anti-trafficking projects. Following this, she became an adviser on good governance at the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN in New York and an anti-trafficking adviser at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna. At HEUNI, Dr Ollus creates concrete and policy relevant guidance through empirical research and provides advice to policy makers, legislators and practitioners, in particular in the field of preventing trafficking for the purpose of forced labour and the exploitation of migrant workers. She also collaborates closely with business and public procurement actors to incorporate the prevention of exploitation in local supply chains as a core pillar of sustainability policies and practices.
Mr. David Salomonsen, Head of public procurement at the public procurement organization SKI A/S, Denmark
David Salomonsen, Head of public procurement at SKI A/S (a central public procurement organization owned by the Danish state and local authorities in Denmark). Former Head of sustainability in the City of Copenhagen, and former practicing lawyer specializing in responsible public procurement.