Steering Group

The Steering Group comprises of three members of the CYR and two youth organisations. This group provides strategic guidance to BSRYF, ensuring that youth perspectives are effectively integrated into policy discussions and decision-making processes.

By acting as a bridge between young people and policymakers, the Steering Group helps set priorities, supports initiatives, and advocates for greater youth participation in the Baltic Sea Region. It plays a crucial role in mentoring CYR members and connecting BSRYF with regional and international stakeholders.

Simona Jakaite, Lithuania

“I joined BSRYF because I love the connectivity we foster here all over the region.”

(building long-term network)

Simon Jyrkäs, Sweden

“The Baltic Sea Region Youth Forum has given me amazing opportunities to meet decision makers, fellow young people and to learn about challenges facing the Baltic Sea Region.”

(friendships, opportunities, collaboration)

Stanislaw Kostulski, Poland 

“If you want something done, do it yourself. If you want the youth involvement to be truly decisive and meaningful, get involved yourself!”

(ideals, solutions, friendships)

Landesjugendring Schleswig-Holstein 
ReGeneration 2030