
The Baltic Sea Region Youth Forum (BSRYF) is dedicated to fostering meaningful youth participation in macro-regional policymaking. Through a variety of initiatives, BSRYF empowers young individuals to engage actively with decision-makers and ensures capacity building among policymakers to implement meaningful youth participation.

Activities encompass different levels of engagement, making it possible for young people with varying interests and experience levels to contribute to shaping the Baltic Sea Region’s future.

The activities of BSRYF are designed to facilitate direct youth involvement in decision-making while providing learning opportunities for those new to regional cooperation. Key initiatives include the BSRYF Election Meeting, which serves as the foundation for the everyday operations of the youth-led Committee of Youth Representatives (CYR), ensuring democratic representation within BSRYF. Additionally, BSRYF Working Groups are established on a needsbasis, allowing young people to collaborate on topics that align with both youth priorities and pressing regional issues.

Youth Activities

BSRYF Election Meeting (April)

Once per year all members of the Baltic Sea Region Youth Forum (BSRYF) are invited to join an online Election Meeting.
Strategic decisions regarding the BSRYF and its guiding documents, as well as the election of the Committee of Youth Representative and Steering Group members are on the agenda.

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Baltic Sea Youth Working Groups

Working Groups are established based on decisions made by the members of the Committee of Youth Representatives.
BSRYF members are invited to suggest topics for a working group.

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CBSS Youth Ministerial (May/June)

The CBSS Youth Ministerial is co-organised by the CBSS Secretariat and the presidency to elevate youth voices to the CBSS ministerial meeting.

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Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue (November)

The Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue is a one-week in-depth seminar bringing together young and established experts on a specific and timely topic relevant to macro-regional cooperation.

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Baltic Sea Parliamentary Youth Forum (BSPYF)

The Baltic Sea Parliamentary Youth Forum was created to enable young people from the Baltic Sea Region to participate actively in the Annual Conference of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC) and share their views in a common policy recommendation paper.

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Baltic Sea Region Hackathon (July)

The Baltic Sea Region Hackathon brings together young programmers interested in strengthening the BSR democracies and supporting them with digital solutions.
  • Include BSR Hakckathon report and presentations

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EUSBSR Youth (October)

More information coming soon.