The Council of the Baltic Sea States – 20 Years
The Council of the Baltic Sea States was founded in a completely different political, cultural and technological landscape. It was founded primarily to build a sense of confidence, cohesion and commonality after years of dislocation. This publication is a humble compendium of thoughts and ideas from some of those involved in the founding process.

The Council of the Baltic Sea States was founded in a completely different political, cultural and technological landscape. In the last 20 years, the population of the Baltic Sea Region has become more diverse and more urbanized. The Council was founded primarily to build a sense of confidence, cohesion and commonality after years of dislocation. The Governments and individuals involved in those first tentative steps needed to familiarize themselves with one another and forge relationships that would enable trust. This publication is a humble compendium of thoughts and ideas from some of those involved in the process. Ten women and men from across the region share their impressions on 20 years under three thematic subjects: Strategies for Sustainable and Innovative Future; Multi-Level Governance and Regional Cohesion; and Resilience and Inclusion in Times of Austerity.