Norwegian Presidency Conference of the CBSS Expert Group on Children at Risk in Oslo
On 8 June 2022 in Oslo, the Norwegian Presidency and the CBSS Expert Group on Children at Risk organised a conference on resilient and inclusive child protection systems in the Baltic Sea Region.
The conference on the topic of “Resilient and inclusive child protection systems – building mutual trust and collaboration” was organised to introduce the results of a comprehensive mapping of national child protection systems and promising practices in the Baltic Sea Region undertaken by the current Norwegian Presidency and the CBSS Expert Group on Children at Risk.
Looking at child protection systems in seven countries in the Baltic Sea Region, the mapping has identified good practice and core elements of inclusive, sustainable, and resilient national child protection systems, that provide a continuum of protection, including in times of crisis. The mapping also made note of good cross-border practice that contributes to mutual trust and cross-border collaboration between national child protection systems.
In addition to the mapping, the conference provided opportunities for reflections on key elements of resilient and inclusive child protection systems, including in crisis, promoting a common understanding, collaboration and mutual trust among child protection systems and actors across borders.
The special guests at the conference, Ásmundur Einar Daðason, Minister of Education and Children Iceland and Key Finsnes, Deputy Director General at the Ministry of Children and Families Norway, presented an overview of child protection solutions in their countries. They also emphasized the importance of the Baltic Sea Region collaboration and more cross-sectoral cooperation to improve child protection systems in the region.
A consolidated report and registry of good practice and practical solutions to strengthen national child protection systems in the Baltic Sea Region will be launched at the end of June and published on Children at Risk’s website.
The conference was arranged by The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs and moderated by Olivia Lind Haldorsson, Head of the Children at Risk Unit CBSS Secretariat.