“When Threats Are Real”: Civil Protection Agencies Focus on Resilience at Their Helsinki Event
In Helsinki, the heads of the civil protection agencies of the CBSS countries focused on strengthening regional awareness, preparedness and resilience in the BSR.
“When threats are real and come from various directions, preparedness needs to be more than a light discussion – and it needs to be transnational.”
These were the opening words of Kimmo Kohvakka, Director General for Rescue Services of Finland, at the high-level meeting of the heads of civil protection agencies from the Member States of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), held in Helsinki on 11-12 June 2024.
The event specifically highlighted the importance of transnational cooperation to strengthen regional awareness, preparedness, and resilience to threats affecting our societies.
Hosted by the Rescue Services of the Ministry of the Interior of Finland, the event marked the 22nd meeting of Directors General for civil protection in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). Finland currently holds the Presidency of the CBSS and its affiliated Civil Protection Network.
Other key agenda points in Helsinki included the outcomes and impacts of the Finnish CBSS Presidency, civil-military cooperation, and preparedness within the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) and the European Union.
The roles of various stakeholders, including private businesses, civil society, and volunteers—especially youth and children—in disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities and assistance to Ukraine were also emphasised.
Wivi-Ann Wagello-Sjölund from the Ministry of the Interior introduced Finland’s Preparedness Union initiative to the European Union, advocating for a comprehensive crisis preparedness strategy that would harness a whole-of-society approach at the EU level.
Prominent guests from the DG ECHO and UNDRR were also among the participants of the meeting, sharing their views on the potential for closer cooperation between the EU and UNDRR. Activities within the CBSS cooperation help tailor global and EU policies to the specific needs of the region and act as a testbed for them.

The Directors General and other high-level officials expressed strong support for the Finnish Presidency priorities, shared the latest updates from their respective countries, and engaged in dynamic discussions on the meeting’s topics.
The meeting concluded with the ceremonial handover of the CPN Presidency bell to Margo Klaos, the Director General of the Estonian Rescue Board. Estonia will take over the CBSS Presidency on 1 July 2024.
Grzegorz Poznanski, the Director General of the CBSS Secretariat, thanked the Finnish colleagues for their exceptional work and achievements during their Presidency year and extended best wishes to Estonia for continued success in building resilience and strengthening preparedness in the Baltic Sea Region.