Observer States get updated about CBSS activities
CBSS Observer States receive a yearly update about the work of the Council and the priorities of its German Presidency.
Today, the CBSS Observer States met in Stockholm, Sweden at the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) to receive a briefing from the German Presidency and the Secretariat of the CBSS about current activities and work of the Council which consists of 11 members – the 10 Member States of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden, plus the European Union.
In addition to information about ongoing work and projects of the CBSS, the Observer States were also informed about the priorities of the German Presidency. These include offshore wind energy, youth, and dumped munitions.
The observers were also informed about the recent developments of the CBSS since the Russian suspension and withdrawal from the Council, including about the ongoing reflection process in the CBSS on regional cooperation and its role in a changed geopolitical landscape.
The CBSS currently has 10 active Observer States. These are France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Observer States are encouraged to actively participate in the work of the CBSS and its bodies.
Each Presidency of the CBSS usually holds an annual consultation with the Observer States, during which they receive updates on current CBSS activities. These briefings especially serve to share best practices from the Baltic Sea Region with other countries and to allow non-CBSS countries to get acquainted with and participate in its processes.