Webinar: Terminology – Comprehensive Security and Civil Defence

Under Finland's CBSS Presidency, the Ministry of the Interior's Department for Rescue Services will hold a webinar on civil protection terminology, fostering shared understanding among relevant authorities and organisations.

Under the Finnish Presidency of the CBSS 2023-2024, the Department for Rescue Services of the Finnish Ministry of the Interior is organising a webinar entitled “Terminology – Comprehensive Security and Civil Defence”.

The aim of the event is to discuss essential terminology used in the civil protection sector. Terms and the terminology employed are crucial for mutual understanding, ensuring that we share the same meanings and content. This is vital for clear communication and for mutual comprehension, which are the foundations for smooth and effective collaboration towards common goals.

The event is part of Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS). The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the CBSS Presidency as a whole, while the Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the content relating to rescue services and civil protection.

Who can apply?

The expected audience for the event comprises civil protection authorities, civil defence authorities, authorities responsible for societal resilience, as well as voluntary organisations with roles in security issues and activities.

We kindly request that you register by 20 October 2023.

 After registration, you will receive the link to the webinar and the draft agenda for the event.

For more information about the webinar, please contact: