Our staff

The CBSS Secretariat is led by the Director General and supported by Senior Advisors and a diverse team, all working collaboratively to advance the priorities of the CBSS in the Baltic Sea Region.

The Secretariat is led by the Director General, who is appointed by consensus among the Council Members. The Director General is tasked with ensuring that the Secretariat operates effectively and in alignment with the CBSS’s strategic priorities. This includes overseeing the work of the Secretariat’s various units, each headed by Senior Advisors responsible for specific areas of focus. Alongside these units, the Secretariat comprises a diverse team of professionals, including project staff, who collectively contribute to advancing the CBSS’s mandate and objectives across the Baltic Sea Region.


Director General

Gustav Lindström

Gustav Lindström is the Director General of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), having previously served as its Deputy Director General. Prior to his tenure at the CBSS, he was the Director of the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) based in Paris. Mr Lindström holds a doctorate in Policy Analysis from the RAND Graduate School and a master’s degree in international policy studies from Stanford University.

Deputy Director General


Senior Advisors & Heads of Unit

Olivia Lind Haldorsson – Senior Adviser, Head of the Children at Risk Unit

Olivia Lind Haldorsson is a Senior Adviser and the Head of the CBSS’s Children at Risk Unit.

Edi Mujaj – Senior Adviser, Head of the Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings (TF-THB)

Edi Mujaj – Senior Adviser, Head of the Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings (TF-THB)

Kazimierz Musiał – Senior Adviser, Regional Identity

Kazimierz Musiał – Senior Adviser, Regional Identity

Vineta Polatside – Senior Adviser, Safe and Secure

Vineta Polatside – Senior Adviser, Safe and Secure

Uģis Zanders – Adviser, Sustainable & Prosperous Region

Uģis Zanders – Adviser, Sustainable & Prosperous Region

For a comprehensive list of the CBSS Secretariat staff, see our contact pages.