Baltic Science Network presents: BARI Talks

BARI stands for Baltic Science Network Mobility Programme for Research Internships and is part of the BSN_Powerhouse project.

BARI offers summer research internships with appropriate academic training across the Baltic Sea Region to students with interest in Life SciencesPhoton & Neutron Science and Welfare State and, despite the pandemic, the programme has been successful in providing interns and host students with a safe, fulfilling experience.

If you’re a BA/MA student looking for an internship in the Baltic Sea Region or a PhD candidate looking for an intern to join your project – join the BARI Virtual Talk on 24 March to learn more! You’ll find out about:

  • the Baltic Science Network Mobility Programme for Research Internships (BARI);
  • testimonials by former participants;
  • a step by step guidance through the application process.

All those interested must register to receive the link to join the Virtual Talk.  

Agenda of the BARI Virtual Talk:

12:00Welcome & Opening by Nina Akrami Flores
12:10What is BARI? by Christian Schäfer
12:25My BARI experience: BARI alumni testimonials
13:00How does the registration process works? by Laura Mendéz Prencke
13:10Q&A session and wrap up
13:30End of meeting
All times are in Central European Time