ReGeneration2030 local hub
ReGeneration2030 is a youth movement for sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region. Yearly summits are attended by over a hundred young people from all over the region who are active and passionate about achieving the UN Sustainabile Development Goals.
This year’s summit is no exception, despite the exceptional circumstances. On the 20-21 August more than 100 participants will gather online and in local hubs with a limited number of people to keep everyone safe.
We are excited to host one of ReGeneration’s local hubs at the CBSS Secretariat in Stockholm for ten people.
We will have a mix of inspirational keynotes, fun team-building and social activities, informative talks, eye-opening panels and engaging workshops packed with tools to become active in achieving Sustainable Development Goals!
More about programme here.
Sign up soon – only a few places left!
REGISTRATION: Louise Hertzberg, coordinator at ReGeneration 2030
[email protected]
WHO: teenagers and young adults between 15 and 29 (and older!), who
want to discuss and reflect on how to implement sustainability.
WHERE: Momma Reenstiernas Palats
Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 23
WHEN: August 20 12:00 pm – 6.00 pm
August 21 12:00 pm – 5.00 pm
See you soon!