The Council

The Council, comprising the Foreign Ministers of Member States and the EU High Representative, is the primary decision-making body of the CBSS. It fosters political dialogue and cooperation, sets strategic priorities, and provides direction for regional initiatives aligned with the organisation's long-term priorities.

The Council serves as the primary decision-making and strategic body for cooperation among the CBSS members. It facilitates intergovernmental dialogue, sets priorities, and provides overarching direction for the CBSS’s work.

The Council is composed of the Foreign Ministers of each CBSS Member State – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden – and the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Role and Mandates

The Council’s role is to foster cooperation and ensure that regional actions align with the shared priorities of its members. It functions as a political and strategic forum that focuses on areas of critical importance to the Baltic Sea Region, including on the CBSS’s current three long-term priorities:

  • Safe and Secure Region: Through strategic discussions, the Council addresses challenges impacting the stability and resilience of the region, coordinating Member States’ responses to new and ongoing issues.
  • Sustainable and Prosperous Region: The Council promotes initiatives that support sustainable development to advance regional prosperity.
  • Regional Identity: By supporting cultural, educational and social initiatives, the Council aims to strengthen cohesion and a shared sense of identity and cooperation among the Baltic Sea countries.
Workings of the Council
  • The Council meets at the end of each Presidency term, or as needed, to review and endorse CBSS policies and projects. These meetings, led by the CBSS Presidency and and usually carried out at the level of the Foreign Ministers, involve discussions on strategic priorities and policy responses to issues affecting the Baltic Sea Region. 
  • The Council’s agenda is based on proposals from the CBSS Presidency, which ensures a focused and coordinated approach to regional challenges.
  • Council decisions are made by consensus, reflecting the commitment of all Member States to cooperative decision-making. 
  • The Council’s deliberations result in formal guidance, mandates and support for CBSS initiatives.
  • The Council’s work is mainly governed by the founding Ministerial Declaration of 1992 and the CBSS Terms of Reference.
Coordination with the Presidency and CSO

The Council relies on the CBSS Presidency and the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) for the implementation of its mandates. The Presidency, rotating annually among Member States, organises and prepares the Council’s sessions, coordinates with other bodies, and ensures follow-up on Council decisions. The CSO, composed of senior officials from each Member State, meets regularly to support and implement the Council’s priorities, oversee working groups, and ensure continuous dialogue and coordination between Member States and the CBSS Secretariat.