CAPE IV project contributes to the current TF-THB Strategy by strengthening the competence and awareness of frontline workers, policy makers and the general public in the BSR on human trafficking for forced labour and labour exploitation.
CAPE IV is the finalisation of the 6-year partnership between the Swedish Gender Equality and CBSS which materialised into CAPE I, II, III. Within the course of the project 14 evidence-based reports on labour exploitation in the Baltic Sea Region have been published. Additionally, numerous webinars and study visits for BSR practitioners, an international awareness raising campaign and the largest European event in 2023 dedicated entirely to the topic of labour exploitation have been conducted.
Through evidence-based data strengthen the capacity and knowledge among BSR key anti-trafficking stakeholders, with a focus on the political and strategic segments within public administration and authorities to respond to and address human trafficking for forced labour and labour exploitation.
CAPE IV will seek to summarise all the knowledge, data and best practices generated through the previous projects through the drafting of a Roadmap for the BSR on countering labour exploitation.

Council of the Baltic Sea States, the Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings

Swedish Gender Equality Agency (Jämställdhetsmyndigheten)
1 April 2024 – 31 December 2024
Edi Mujaj, Senior Adviser and Head of Unit, Phone: +46 70 276 52 29, Email: [email protected]