Assessing the Status of Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region: A Macro-Regional Perspective
How the Baltic Sea Region can cooperate on the UN SDGs and the 2030 Agenda

A publication commissioned by the CBSS Expert Group on Sustainable Development – Baltic 2030 and compiled by the Baltic University Programme and the Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development. This background study is aimed at enabling fruitful cooperation between the Baltic Sea States in implementing and pursuing the 2030 Agenda and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and serves as a resource for developing governance for sustainable development in the region. Further, the report includes suggestions on how to organise the work for the global SD Goals in the future. Together with two special studies on climate change and sustainable consumption and production, the report gives a broad overview of the state of affairs in the BSR and summarises the knowledge in relation to governance features, which are viewed as central for enhancing sustainable development governance capacity.
Find below the three parts of our report:
Main Report: Assessing the status of sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region
Sector Study I: Climate, energy and sustainable development in the BSR
Sector Study II: Sustainable consumption and production in the Baltic Sea Region