CBSS Expert Group on Children At Risk – Annual Report of the Finnish Presidency 2023-2024

During the Finnish Presidency, the Expert Group on Children at Risk (EG CAR) worked in close collaboration with the CBSS Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings (TF-THB). The special theme of the work was protecting children from child trafficking and violence, in line with the current Children at Risk Expert group strategic priority to protect children from all forms of violence. The deepened cooperation between these two expert groups was very fruitful. EG CAR decided that this cooperation should continue in some form in the coming years.
The Finnish Presidency hosted three expert group meetings and held an international conference at the end of the presidency. These meetings deepened the understanding about child trafficking in the Baltic Sea Region and the different forms it can take. A report of the best practices for combating trafficking in children and young people in the Baltic Sea countries and for identifying and supporting victims was published.
The Expert Group members also began preliminary discussions on the 2025–2030 Strategy. This is important for two reasons: to ensure that our goals meet the needs of all of our member states and to ensure that the strategy is resourced with a balanced budget. The group expressed the need to continue the dialogue between the member states and the practical cooperation in the form of a few strategic projects.