Guidelines Promoting the Human Rights and Best Interests of the Child in Transnational Child Protection Cases

Guidelines for child protection (in English) and a practical guide in English, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Russian and Finnish for caseworkers and officers

Pub. Sep 1, 2015 Published September 1, 2015

The Expert Group on Children at Risk’s Guidelines Promoting the Human Rights and the Best Interests of the Child in Transnational Child Protection Cases (EN) explore challenges and opportunities in safeguarding the human rights of the child in transnational child protection work. They discuss the steps in the case management and care planning for children on the move that involve the cooperation of authorities and service providers across borders. The Guidelines provide a synthesis of the experience, knowledge and evidence shared by key officials and professionals in the expert consultation series in the framework of the project Child Exploitation: Cross-National Child Protection in Practice – ‘PROTECT Children on the Move’.

The accompanying Practical Guide on transnational child protection for caseworkers and case officers (available in ENLTLVRUEEFI)  presents an overview of measures to safeguard the human rights and the best interests of children in cross-border situations. It translates the existing international standards into step-by-step guidance for the assessment and decision making processes in transnational situations. It is an easy and accessible tool for caseworkers and case officers such as social workers, immigration officials and law enforcement officers as well as lawyers, guardians and other professionals working with and for children on the move.