ISA: Acute Crisis Intervention
Support for child victims of sexual exploitation, trafficking for sexual purposes, and online sexual abuse during the first critical days after disclosure or an investigative interview

This paper introduces an approach for acute crisis support, “ISA”, for child victims of trafficking for sexual purposes, sexual exploitation, and technology-facilitated sexual abuse, in the first critical days after a disclosure or a child investigative interview.
The “ISA” approach is developed to address the specific needs for crisis support that may arise with child victims in the immediate aftermath of disclosure and/or being in contact with authorities – especially in the context of a criminal investigation. It can be used by any professional who works with the child at these moments.
While the approach is specifically developed to address crisis as a result of sexual violence, it can also be adapted and used to support children who are victims of trafficking for other forms exploitation.
The ISA approach has been developed by Linda Jonsson, associate professor in Social Work at Marie Cederschiöld university and Anette Birgersson Licensed CBT Child Psychotherapist, bachelor is in social science with a postgraduate diploma, masters, in CBT Psychotherapy, Skills Clinic. It is published by the Council of the Baltic Sea States as part of the PROMISE TRM project. It was produced with the financial support of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) 2021-2027 of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of project partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.