Media Framing of Human Trafficking
The CBSS Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings commissioned a study in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, the Russian Federation and Sweden to examine how human trafficking is framed in mass media.

Media framing of human trafficking has been researched internationally, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom but in the CBSS Member States this area is yet to be comprehensively explored. The below studies aim to help fill this gap.
- Summary of findings
- Report “From Bodies to Borders. Human Trafficking, Migration and Gender in Danish Media 2010 – 2019”
- Media representations of Human Trafficking in Estonia (unedited background paper)
- Review of Media Framing of Human Trafficking in Finnish News Media (unedited background paper)
- Review of the media framing of human trafficking in Latvia (unedited background paper)
- Review of the media framing of human trafficking in Germany
- Review of the media framing of human trafficking in Lithuania (unedited background paper in Lithuanian)
- Journalism vis-à-vis Human Trafficking: Review of the Russian Media (unedited background paper)
- Review of the media framing of human trafficking in Sweden (unedited background paper in Swedish)