Sustainable Working Life Project’s policy recommendations for a longer working life

The report “Policy recommendations for a longer working life” includes policy recommendations aimed at extending working lives, resulting from the project Baltic Sea Labour Forum for Sustainable Working Life that was funded by the Swedish ESF Council and Swedish Institute and implemented between June 2019 and June 2022.
The aim of the project was to support the improvement of working life conditions and lifelong learning provisions, systems, and policies for an older labour force (55+) to promote active ageing and employability in the Baltic Sea Region. The project had two transnational, multi-sectoral thematic working groups (TWGs): (1) Working conditions and age management and (2) Job opportunities for an ageing labour force, including entrepreneurship. The theme of lifelong learning was integrated into the work of both TWGs.
The policy recommendations in this report cover major themes that are essential for prolonging working life in the Baltic Sea Region: They are drawn from a series of policy briefs prepared under this project, providing a valuable insight into the heterogeneity in national contexts of 10 countries in the region. The recommendations are based on contributions from employer organisations, trade unions, ministries, social insurance providers, ESF managing institutions, NGOs dealing with grass-root initiatives and academia.