Baltic Science Network Transnational Seminar in Tallinn

On 16 November 2017, Baltic Science Network (BSN) discussions on spreading excellence gave a notable contribution to the overall understanding of which existing initiatives and potential new measures should be considered to enhance the research potential across the Baltic Sea Region during the upcoming years.

The BSN Tallinn seminar “New Tools for Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation in Research and Innovation Programmes” took place at the helm of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It was a noteworthy occasion of macro-regional discussions on the broadening measures implemented so far in the framework of the EU Framework Programmes. Likewise, the BSN Tallinn discussions helped to identify potential solutions to the existing challenges associated with the innovation gap in the Baltic Sea Region, as well as the EU as a whole.

Ambassador Maira Mora, Director General of the Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat, engaged in the concluding panel, which outlined the potential ways forward in advancing the Baltic Sea Region-wide research cooperation. She commended the first implementation phase of the Baltic Science Network, and invited the Network members to bear in mind the findings of Baltic TRAM and BONUS, once evaluating potential new measures to enhance the Baltic Sea Region´s research excellence potential.

The Tallinn seminar allowed to bring the attention of the Baltic Science Network stakeholders to the CBSS Reykjavík Ministerial and the 26th Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference.

The BSN Tallinn seminar´s photo album is available here.