Introducing: THALIA
Towards thoughtful, informed, and compassionate journalism in covering human trafficking
THALIA was created to establish a long-term cooperation with human trafficking stakeholders and universities in order to raise the competence of future journalists in the Baltic Sea Region on the topic of human trafficking.
Participating countries: Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Ukraine
Project activities
- Workshops for teachers of journalism in Riga and Saint Petersburg in order to develop a model for a panel discussion/workshop where journalism theory would be applied to the specific field of human trafficking.
- National panel discussions/workshops for students of journalism.
- Open call for contributions in film, photography, articles and/or radio segments by students of journalism in the Baltic Sea Region on the topic of human trafficking.
- International journalism conference in Stockholm.
- A transnational network of teachers of journalism.
- A harmonized curricula module that includes Human Trafficking as a topic in journalism courses and education in the participating countries.
- A base for future collaborations and research for students and teachers of journalism in the area of Human Trafficking and media.
Council of the Baltic Sea States Södertörn University
Partners: Ministry of Justice in Estonia; Joutseno Reception Centre, Finland; Ministry of Interior of Latvia; Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Norway; Russian Red Cross, Saint Petersburg branch; NGO “Alternativa”, Russia; International Organization for Migration, Office in Kiev, Ukraine
Duration: October 2020 –December 2021
The project THALIA is funded by the Swedish Institute (SI) and the CBSS Project Support Facility Fund.