Handbook for Climate Change Adaptation Planning in the Baltic Sea Region launched to support local governments
To improve the capacity of municipalities to tackle climate change and its effects, the CliMaLoc project presented its Handbook for Climate Change Adaptation Planning in the Baltic Sea Region during a webinar on 14 March 2023.
The CliMaLoc Handbook which provides specific guidelines for local governments to prepare and plan climate change adaptation strategies in the Baltic Sea Region was presented during an online webinar on 23 March 2023 moderated by Ignė Stalmokaitė, CBSS Policy Officer, Sustainable & Prosperous Region.
The handbook was developed under the “Climate Mainstreaming Locally in the Baltic Sea Region” (CliMaLoc) project, funded by the Swedish Institute and the CBSS, that identified gaps and challenges for mainstreaming climate at the local level in BSR countries. The handbook is a vital resource for local governments in the BSR seeking to adapt to the climate change impacts. It provides a 10-step approach for preparing and drafting climate adaptation plans in the BSR.
The webinar started with an opening speech by the Director General of the CBSS, Grzegorz Poznański, who emphasised the importance of learning from each other’s experiences and cooperating in developing our climate adaptation strategies so that they are aligned and can help creating win-win situations for neighbouring cities and countries.
The handbook we present today is the result of joint work, taking a first concrete step to help local municipalities in taking climate adaptation at the core of the strategic actions in the municipalities. The handbook provides steps, examples and tools on how to do it. We see this handbook as the beginning of a joint journey. A journey we want to invite you all to take part in. Please take this handbook, share it with your municipalities, your mayor, your local administration, and make use of it!
Director General of the CBSS, Grzegorz Poznański
The handbook was presented by an expert on climate change and advisor for the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), Valdur Lahtvee who stated that “climate change affects everyone, and municipalities are at the forefront to adapt to climate change. The handbook gives both a framework for understanding the importance of resilience building at a local level and provides useful tips for first steps on a long road to mainstream climate into daily activities amongst local governments.”

The CliMaLoc project, which runs from June 2021 to March 2023 and is part of the CBSS long-term priority Sustainable and Prosperous Region, aims to support local authorities in the BSR countries in mainstreaming climate change and establishing partnerships for cooperation in this field in the future. The project includes integrating climate aspects into local development plans, better aligning with Agenda 2030, and supporting the efforts of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) to promote low-carbon economies across sectors and policies.
The CliMaLoc project and the “Handbook for Climate Change Adaptation Planning in the Baltic Sea Region” are in line with the CBSS objectives of promoting a sustainable region, in line with the Baltic 2030 Action Plan and the Vilnius II Declaration, particularly on the questions of climate neutrality and climate resilience. The handbook will be shared further within the CBSS and among its stakeholders in the BSR. It will also be considered at upcoming events related to climate change.