Electrifying Potential: Shore-side Power Generation in the Baltic Sea Region
More than 130 participants registred for the Electrifying Potential conference organized by the Danish Maritime Authority in conjunction with the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food the CBSS Expert Group on Sustainable Maritime Economy, and EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Policy Area for clean shipping.
The confernece gathered representatitives from the EU Commission, governmental, local authorities and bussiness representatives, to discuss opportunities to reduce the impact of shipping industry on air pollution and climate change. “Shore-side power is a solution that can give an immediate positive impact on the local communities around our ports in the Baltic sea Region” said the Danish Minister of Environment, Lea Wermelin.
Director General of the CBSS Grzegorz Poznański underlinde the importance of maritime industry efforts towards sustainable development and the implementation of the EU Green Deal in the Region. Stena Lines CEO and Commissioner in the Swedish Government Electromobility Commission Niclas Mårtensson shared practical experiences of using shore-side power generation technology. The challenges related to the investments and power supply capacity was highlighted by various speakers. These relevant discussions will continue during the Lithuanian Presidency of the CBSS.