The first cross-sectorial, multi-disciplinary innovation forum for civil security experts in the Baltic Sea Region.
The BALTinnoSEC supports the implementation of all priority areas under the Joint Position on Enhancing Cooperation in the Civil Protection Area, adopted by the 15th meeting of Directors General for Civil Protection in the Baltic Sea Region in 2017 and re-endorsed by the 18th meeting in June 2020. Most importantly it contributes to building a common societal security culture in the region, developing common attitudes towards societal security threats and creating a shared understanding of prevention, preparedness, and response as well as recovery processes in connection with hazards, common for all countries in the region. The forum promotes network among participants, the exchange of good and best practices, publicise the latest research and project results as well as showcase and test innovative technologies in the field of societal security.
The need for the large cross-sectoral networking forum focusing on the societal security issues in the Baltic Sea Region has been voiced numerous times within the two main societal security networks in the BSR: CBSS Civil Protection Network and the EUSBSR Policy Area Secure. The concept of such forum in the CBRNE field was developed within the STAC-CBRNE project (Strengthening the Transnational Capacity of the Management of CBRNE agents related Emergencies), funded by the Swedish Institute.
The partners in the BSR-RNSS (Baltic Sea Region Research Network on Societal Security) project, also funded by the Swedish Institute, stressed the need for such networking forum as well. BSR-RNSS consortium emphasized that an inclusive and broad forum encompassing governmental agencies, academia, NGOs and private sector will be more effective for the effective exchange of practices and fostering innovation than a niched event.
The BALTINNOSEC project aims to:
- Create a detailed concept of the First Pan-Baltic Cross-Sectoral Expo on Innovation in Societal Security through a series of cross-disciplinary workshops.
- Test the concept by creating a small-scale pilot event.
- Generate a blueprint for the organisation of the full-size event.
- Form a consortium to apply for a larger project.
Target Groups
- End-users/practitioners/first-responders – “people with real-world experience”
- Research institutes: academia, basic-research, applied-science etc.
- Responsible authorities: central, regional and local administration
- Responsible national agencies: civil protection, ministries of interior
- Private sector
- Cities and municipalities
- Societal and voluntary organisations
- Project leaders and key experts
- Organisations responsible for training
- Policy makers
- Representatives from funding programmes
Role of the CBSS
The project allows the CBSS to facilitate and coordinate the platform for BSR Civil Protection Conference to develop on, which means that the CBSS can promote inclusion of actors from the whole BSR. The platform have access to the CBSS networks and contacts. This initiative is relevant for the CBSS to engage in since it strengthens the CBSS position as a relevant actor in the region, particularly through expanding the cooperation sphere to include civil protection actors, research institutions, and other relevant experts to a larger extent than before.
- The National Headquarters of The State Fire Service of Poland (KG PSP),
- Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania,
- Laurea University of Applied Science.
1 October 2021 – 31 March 2023
The BALTinnoSEC project is funded by Swedish Institute – Seed Funding Facility.
- Vineta Polatside, Senior Adviser for Safe and Secure Region Priority, Phone: +46 70 232 04 94, Email: [email protected]
- Andriy Martynenko, Adviser for Safe and Secure Region Priority, Phone: + +46 70 388 36 50, Email: [email protected]
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Project kick-off: BALTinnoSEC
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