Baltic Region Heritage Committee’s meeting in Kaunas
The Baltic Region Heritage Committee (BRHC) met on 12-13 October 2022 in Kaunas, Lithuania to discuss the current challenges on cultural heritage in the region and the future actions of the Committee.
The Baltic Region Heritage Committee (BRHC) which consists of representatives of state authorities in charge of national heritage management in ten Baltic Sea Region countries, met physically for the first time under the CBSS German Presidency, with Matthias Maluck from German Archaeological State Department of Schleswig-Holstein as the new BRHC Chair.
The meeting focused in first place on the National Reports from the BRHC members which shared good practices and current challenges from each state. During the event, the BRHC Working Groups: Underwater heritage, Coastal heritage, 20th Century built cultural heritage also updated on their work in the region. Additionally, the presentations about Kaunas municipality and Kaunas European culture capital took place.
One of the main issues was related to the BRHC Cultural Heritage Forum which will be held in Poland in 2023. The BRHC has since 2003 arranged regional Cultural Heritage Forums. The last one – Cultural heritage in a changing climate – was arranged in Oslo in September 2021.