Official launch of the Baltic Sea Region Youth Forum
During the Baltic Sea Region Youth Forum (BSRYF) Kick-off and Election Meeting on April 19, the newly established Committee of Youth Representatives (CYR) and Steering Group (SG) were elected. The BSRYF is a structure to enhance meaningful youth participation and will be fully operational by July 1, 2023.
The future is looking bright for young people in the Baltic Sea Region as the newly established Baltic Sea Region Youth Forum (BSRYF) kicks off its first ever election meeting. After months of hard work by the CBSS Secretariat, young people and youth organisations will now have a platform to shape the future of youth participation in the region.
“Following the successful implementation of the Baltic Sea Youth Platform project, we are pleased and honored to persist in our endeavors to amplify the perspectives of young experts within the Baltic Sea Region.”
Aline Mayr, Policy Officer for Youth
The BSRYF will be led by 19 young people and 2 organisations – the Lithuanian Youth Council and the Regional Youth Council of Schleswig-Holstein – who were elected during the meeting. They will work together to ensure the most efficient structure and the best way to create impact, as well as develop policy recommendations and seek out meaningful cooperation during the first term of the bodies.
With youth facing a range of challenges, the BSRYF provides a much-needed voice in policy-making for young people in the Baltic Sea Region.
“Youth raises a range of challenges, especially in times like these of multiple crises. The BSRYF provides a voice in policy-making for young people in the Baltic Sea Region.”
Dominik Littfass, Acting Senior Advisor for Regional Identity and Communications
The CBSS congratulates all members of the BSRYF bodies for their successful campaign and is looking forward to the future developments and activities implemented. The CBSS Secretariat will continue to support the BSRYF in its administration and input creation, as mandated under the Vilnius II and the Bornholm declaration of the CBSS.
As the BSRYF sets out to ensure a meaningful contribution of young people to macro-regional processes and the implementation of the Vilnius II declaration, the future is looking brighter for young people in the Baltic Sea Region.
For more information, please visit the BSRYF website.
Contact: Aline Mayr, Policy Officer for Youth: [email protected]