EGSME tackles green shipping corridors for sustainable maritime economy
The Expert Group on Sustainable Maritime Economy (EGSME) recently met in Berlin to explore the potential of green shipping corridors, a key component for developing carbon-neutral, resilient, and well-connected transport networks in the Baltic Sea Region.
The Council of the Baltic Sea States Expert Group on Sustainable Maritime Economy (EGSME) convened in Berlin, Germany on 7 June 2023, with the establishment of green shipping corridors in the Baltic Sea being high on the agenda.
“Green shipping corridors are expected to provide the foundation for the development of carbon-neutral, resilient, and well-connected transportation flows in the region,” said Dr. Ignė Stalmokaitė, CBSS Secretariat member, further expressing the necessity of sustainable maritime economy in the Baltic Sea Region and highlighting its key significance for the energy transition and achieving energy security.
She also applauded the current German Chairmanship of the EGSME, which started on 1 July 2022 and will end on 30 June 2023, for initiating the cooperation on green shipping corridors in the Baltic Sea Region. The event also featured expert presentations on the topic.
In Berlin, the Finnish delegation presented its potential priorities for the upcoming EGSME chairmanship, which is due to start on 1 July 2023. Continuity of work on green shipping corridors was emphasized, along with a renewed focus on sustainable cruise and passenger ferry traffic.
EGSME meeting was organised back-to-back with the EUSBSR PA Ship workshop, which featured a panel discussion on diverse perspectives on and existing challenges to green shipping corridors as well as showcased practical aspects of green shipping corridors. This included inputs from authorities, academia, and the private sector, highlighting operational steps for establishing these corridors as a pathway towards zero-carbon shipping.
“Green shipping corridors are vital for kick-starting the energy transition in maritime transport on a global scale. The Baltic Sea Region is very well suited to test and establish Green Shipping Corridors,” said Achim Wehrmann, Director of Shipping Directorate at the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, during his opening remarks at the PA Ship meeting.
The EGSME, one of the expert groups of the CBSS, is a platform where national experts from CBSS Member State line ministries dealing with maritime economy and the EU Commission focus on issues concerning the Baltic Sea Region’s maritime economy, growth potentials, and marine ecosystem protection. With a keen eye on small and medium-sized ports, clean shipping, maritime coastal tourism, and recreational boating, the group strives to balance economic, social, and ecological aspects in the Baltic Sea.