Guidelines for Municipalities: “Stepping Up Local Action against Human Trafficking”
How municipalities in the Baltic Sea Region can combat human trafficking

The Guidelines for Municipalities – Stepping up Local Action against Human Trafficking aims to provide local actors with the knowledge and right tools to strengthen their role in the work against human trafficking and increase effectiveness of the anti-trafficking actions by ensuring proper and timely victim identification, adequate and sustainable assistance and protection. The Guidelines are available in English, Estonian, Finnish, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian and Swedish languages.
The guidelines were developed as a part of STROM – a transnational project that aims to strengthen the capacity and role of municipalities in the chain of assistance to victims of human trafficking in the Baltic Sea Region. It was finalised in October 2015 and was funded by the CBSS Project Support Facility (PSF), the Swedish Institute and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia. The project was coordinated jointly by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia and the Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings in close cooperation with the NGO “Living for Tomorrow” in Estonia, Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania, Ministry of Justice and Public Security in Norway, Ministry of Interior in Poland, and County Administrative Board of Stockholm in Sweden.