Ongoing Projects

The 2024 PSF focuses on strengthening resilience, safety, collaboration, and trust in the Baltic Sea Region. Specifically, the call invited innovative projects that foster understanding, cooperation, and mutual trust building for more resilient societies. Selected projects relate to one of the CBSS’ three long-term priorities.

PSF 2024

Development of instructions for long-term quality assurance systems in national Barnahus networks

Priority: Safe & Secure Region
Project leader: World Childhood Foundation Germany
Participating countries: Germany, Sweden, Finland

The project “Development of instructions for long-term quality assurance systems in national Barnahus networks” is a joint approach of Barnafrid (Sweden), THL (Finland), and World Childhood Foundation (Germany) as national network coordinators to enable the development of national auditing systems for Barnahus services.

The first step is to analyze the current status quo in each of the three countries how the implementation of the Barnahus standards in local services is reported and supervised and how national network coordination is involved in local quality assurance in Barnahus services. Secondly, these experiences should be compared from a transnational perspective by the project partners, and a definition of common core principles should be developed for what an auditing or accreditation system must address and achieve in each country. Experiences from existing auditing/ accreditation systems such as the National Children’s Alliance accreditation system should also be taken into consideration. Engaging expert services for the development of auditing/ accreditation systems, a recommendation manual will be developed to be used in future pilots.

Let's share knowledge, let's share experience!

Priority: Safe & Secure Region
Project leader: ROSA
Participating countries: Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland

Partners, ROSA (Norway), Centr MARTA (Latvia), KOPZI (Lithuania), Fundacja La Strada (Poland), and Pro-tukipiste (Finland), have come together to enhance collaboration and coordination amongst partners, and develop and document best practices from our organisations and in-country partnerships. The countries, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, represent both similar and different trends in THB. While Finland and Norway are seen as a destination for trafficked persons, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland have emerged as countries of destination the last five years, and an increase in cross-border movements seen since 2021. In Finland, Latvia and Poland labour exploitation is the primary type of exploitation, whilst in Lithuania and Norway it is sexual exploitation. All countries seem to have an increase in forced criminality. The project is the basis for a cooperation model that will be viable beyond the duration of the project, and will bring added value and visibility for the macro regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. Five partners will strive to increase coherence in cooperation among civil society within the CBSS Member States.

Baltic Sea Biennale for Youth

Priority: Safe & Secure Region
Project leader: Kristianstad Municipality, Kristianstads Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve
Participating countries: Sweden, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Germany, Finland

The aim of the project “Biosphere for Baltic – Future generations” is to promote transnational youth engagement for a sustainable Baltic Sea and establish a network for youth in Biosphere reserves around the Baltic Sea. This will be achieved through online meetings and an on-site youth forum.

The Biosphere for Baltic network provides an opportunity for 12 Biosphere Reserves in 8 Baltic states to share experiences and results from local initiatives and projects and to find new areas for collaboration. The proposed project Biosphere for Baltic – Future Generations is designed to deepen the co-operation between the biosphere reserves and address the shared challenge of engaging youth in the goal of a healthier Baltic Sea. At the end of the project a film and a report will be disseminated and a youth network will be in place.

The 2023 PSF focuses on the CBSS long-term priority ‘Safe and Secure Region’, more specifically on managing increasing risks for states and societies, including those resulting from climate change, and building more resilient communities.

PSF 2023

Sisterhood Pathways

Priority: Safe & Secure Region
Project leader: Active Youth Association
Participating countries: Lithuania, Latvia,  Poland

Sisterhood Pathways is a project that, following the line of the A Safe Place project implemented in 2022, addresses the topic of violence against women. This community-based project is carried out in accordance with CBSS long-term priorities, which include fostering unity and social and cultural inclusion through cultural and creative activities and educational opportunities. It also addresses the priorities of the Vilnius II Declaration by enhancing societal security and safety in the Baltic Sea Region. This is done by addressing the importance of regional cooperation, fostering mutual understanding, building trust, ensuring stability, and promoting people-to-people contacts.

Following A Safe Place project, Sisterhood Pathways also aims to address the widespread phenomenon of violence against women in the Baltic Sea Region and to support women who are victims of violence while also educating those who are interested in learning more about the topic. Even though the target audience will stay the same as the A Safe Place project (women victims of violence, general public and support providers/organisations working in the field), new perspectives will be added, such as looking at the point of view of women belonging to a minority who are victims of violence, and new ways will be suggested to help the general public learn more about VAW and increase the awareness on the topic.

Joint Crisis Communication in the Baltic Region

Priority: Regional Identity, Sustainable & Prosperous Region, Safe & Secure Region
Project leader: Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB
Participating countries: Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Lithuania

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB has a strong engagement in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) and since many years back the member of the CBSS Civil Protection Network (CPN). In addition to that from 2013, based on the Swedish government decision, MSB coordinates the Policy Area Secure (PA Secure) within the EU:s Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The crisis communication is one of the CPN and PA Secure prioritised cooperation area. This project will be implemented in a close partnership with the civil protection authorities in the BSR and will give the opportunity to intensify and increase our common efforts to make the BSR a safe region to live in.

Communication before and during crisis is one of the most important tools to build preparedness for and handle crisis – regardless if the current crisis is due to the consequences of a war in a nearby country or caused by climate change. People who are prepared and know how to act when the crisis comes are more safe and secure.

Communication to the public also contributes to regional identity and in the long run to sustainability since people get the tools to make the right decisions – before and during crisis.

Safety for All? Remedy for Exploited Migrant Workers in the Nordic Region

Priority: Safe & Secure Region
Project leader: The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI)
Participating countries: Finland, Norway, Sweden

This project supports the implementation of the 2020-2025 Strategy of the CBSS Task Force against THB by addressing the thematic priorities of countering labour exploitation, particularly exploitation in supply chains, as well as improving victim protection and empowerment. The project contributes to Agenda 2030, in particular SDG 8.7 on the eradication of forced labour and trafficking, 8.8 on the promotion of access to rights for migrant workers, and 10.7 on the facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people. Climate change-related migration is expected to increase globally. Reports indicate that persons affected by climate change are at a heightened risk of unsafe migration and human trafficking (UNODC 2022). With increased migration there is also a subsequent risk of an increase in abusive labour practices and exploitation as persons in vulnerable positions desperately seek employment elsewhere to earn a living. While the prevention of labour exploitation and protection of migrant workers remain crucial, efforts should be increased to ensure access to remedy to workers for occurred harm and exploitation. Vulnerable people currently too often fail to access and receive justice, and existing remedies remain ineffective (IOM 2021). No state or region can be safe and secure, if violations of human rights are not adequately addressed due to ineffective grievance mechanisms, or because those affected are unable to access remedy.

Prepared Together: Stronger Together

Priority: Sustainable & Prosperous Region, Safe & Secure Region
Project leader: University of Latvia
Participating countries: Latvia, Finland, Germany

Directly related to the current call ‘Safe and Secure Region’ focusing on promoting better preparedness for an increasingly unstable security environment, through inter-regional cooperation of the northern Baltic, central Baltic, and southern Baltic disaster preparedness experts. Project will promote expert cooperation across the region and establish a regional emerging threat and best-practice exchange platform for sharing practical approaches to increasing preparedness in the population. Concerns and current preparedness level of the Finnish, Latvian, and German population will be established. Results and best-practice approaches will be shared with the national governments and structures responsible for disaster preparedness, as well as the population, and disaster preparedness experts in other Baltic countries to promote a coordinated regional response. Consultations will advise national governments on emerging risks, regional trends, and practical solutions to increase awareness and resilience. Concerns and shortcomings will be used to promote a joint approach to these issues to increase cooperation among the CBSS Member States. Addresses 2022 Oslo Declaration on Regional Cooperation in the Civil Protection Network, CBSS Vilnius II Declaration, CBSS Action plan 2021-2025, where political commitments were made to promote regional cooperation in civil protection, in preparing and responding to emergencies, and UN Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

The 2022 PSF was dedicated to the development of sustainable processes and networks aimed at taking forward the ideas in the Vilnius II Declaration – A Vision for the Baltic Sea Region by 2030 and relevant parts of the Baltic Sea Region Youth Vision Statement beyond 2030.

PSF 2022

Baltic Youth's Vision, Innovations and Initiatives to Green Deal Implemented in Local Communities

Priority: Regional Identity, Sustainable & Prosperous Region
Project leader: Polski Klub Ekologiczny Okrug Pomorski
Participating countries: Poland, Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia

The main aim of the project is to encourage young people in Baltic Sea region to undertake more eco-innovative actions for the European Green Deal implementation at the level of (and with) local communities. The basis for such involvement is a broadened multidisciplinary knowledge gained in the preliminary steps of the project and exchange of experiences of partnering organizations in further steps. Partners will create a database for experience exchange (physically and in the form of an internet platform based on a longstanding, and promoted and will organize an incubation workshop. Partners will implement similar initiatives of young people with different specializations and perspectives in their countries, promoting the project, exchanging experience with each other, offering experts and tutors in accordance with the areas selected for the eco-innovation. It is planned that the activities will include several well-thought-out and complementary phases. The centrepiece of the project is a 5-meetings “hands-on incubation workshop”. The workshops will take place at the end of the first “negotiation” phase. It will consist in mutual arrangements and collection of initial proposals for eco-innovations in the partner countries. It is assumed that it will take place in the form of a series of seminars, open to those who are interested, and promoted on social media and partners’ websites. The last, third phase of the project is the “application conference” aimed at summarising the effects of the project and practical development of the implementation plan for selected eco-innovations, control of implementation and evaluation of effects. Workshop cycles will provide a unique opportunity for creative work based on knowledge of teamwork. By the cross-border cooperation within this project, all activities will increase in importance – the working atmosphere and focus on issues of key importance for the real implementation of projects.

Young People Network for Balticness 2.0. Enhancing Capacity for Strategic Narratives on Identity with Young People in the Baltic Sea Region

Priority: Regional Identity
Project leader: Uniwersytet Gdanski
Participating countries: Poland, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Sweden

YoPeNET 2.0 will consolidate the good practices and ensure sustainability of the educational experience of the current YoPeNET project implemented by the applicant in 2020-2022. The YoPeNET 2.0. will continue involving the younger generation in the BSR in educational dialogue and in the co-creation of cultural texts and media projects concerning trans-regional identity, manifested for instance as ecocultural identity. This edition of the project will reach out to a much wider regional audience through an extensive online presence as well as ensuring the strengthening of the existing partnership to cement its future viability. The learning materials and students’ contributions during the summer schools will be transformed into freely available, online content in the form of blogs, accessible articles, podcasts and films. Students will themselves produce these materials in collaboration with the project partners and teachers. These will be promoted through social media campaigns, like Instagram and YouTube, where the target groups will not only be young people in metropolitan areas but also those who live in isolated, rural communities.

The project will also consolidate good cooperation practice among the project partners representing the northern, southern, eastern and western parts of the BSR. Sharing capacities across the region will enable a responsible long-term on-line storage and an on-demand use of educational outputs, tools, content and methods for similar activities in the future. The YoPeNET 2.0 project is intended to be a significant step in establishing a “sustainable network” in the BSR, with reliable institutions, experienced teachers and cooperating partners. The project will explore the possibility of contributing to the creation of a virtual information point,, where topical research and educational resources for youth dialogue and learning will be available to the general public.