Last year’s PSF call focused on projects that put safety and security at the centre of Baltic Sea regional cooperation and strive to strengthen the resilience of the region. 12 eligible, high-quality applications were received. The following 5 projects were chosen by the CBSS Committee of Senior Officials to be awarded funding of up to 65 000 Euros each:

If you speak up, I will join!
Lead partner: Norway (End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT) Norway, Invisible Children Forum) in partnership with Latvia, Sweden and Russia
This innovative project aims to identify and empower childhood survivors of human trafficking in the Baltic Sea States by establishing a regional forum and a digital platform where survivors can be informed, express their opinions, get support from peers and be heard in relevant decision making.

Youth for safer youth
Lead partner: Latvia (Liepaja Municipal Police) in partnership with Finland and Lithuania
This project will research the safety concerns of the youth in the Baltic Sea Region. The research will help prepare for a larger scale project in which youth in the Baltic Sea Region will be educated on how to increase their safety in the physical and virtual world, especially in fields where they feel less secure. Special attention will be paid to the collaboration between safety experts and young people to demonstrate the value of such cooperation.

CAPE Competence building, Assistance provision and Prosecution of labour Exploitation cases in the Baltic Sea Region
Lead partner: Latvia (Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia) in partnership with Estonia, Finland and Denmark
The project addresses human trafficking (THB) for labour exploitation in all CBSS Member States. The main objective of the project is to support stakeholders in combating and disrupting human trafficking for labour exploitation by analysing and consolidating information, improving assistance to victims and stepping up prosecution of traffickers.

Strengthening the Prevention of Child Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation related to Information and Communication Technologies in the Baltic Sea Region
Lead partner: Russia (Regional Public Organization of Social Projects in Sphere of Population’s Well-Being “Stellit”) in partnership with Finland and Latvia
The project’s aim is to provide child protection specialists with relevant information and strategies regarding the prevention of child trafficking and sexual exploitation regarding ICT. The synergy of the combined expertise will contribute to advancing the child protection system and the safety of children in the Baltic Sea Region.

Pilot project for institutionalizing research end-user cooperation
Lead partner: Sweden (Swedish Defence University) in partnership with Finland and Norway
The initiative promotes a more institutionalized cooperation between the variety of Baltic Sea Region end-users and stakeholder organizations, including societal security research institutions, sub-regional, national and local authorities as well as civil society organizations.