Reflection Paper on the Vilnius Declaration: A Vision for the Baltic Sea Region by 2020
Vilnius Declaration - “A Vision for the Baltic Sea Region by 2020” (adopted in 2010) proposed twelve benchmarks for the region. This report examines the commitments by the governments of the CBSS member states in Vilnius in 2010 to “turn into reality” the twelve visionary statements.

The report was commissioned after discussions between the Lithuanian CBSS Presidency and the CBSS Secretariat. The aim was to look into the goals set in 2010 by the Vilnius Declaration for the whole of the Baltic Sea Region (not only for CBSS), to assess where progress has been made and which goals set in 2010 have not yet been met, are more difficult to achieve than we thought or, possibly, are no longer relevant or achievable due to certain factors – regional or global.